SEO Tools and Learning Material

Here you find an overview of my favorite pages and tools. It is including detailed instructions and tools to assess the quality of a page.

Learning Material on SEO

Google Search Central

This is like a manual for SEO on Google. For beginners it is ideal to learn. For advanced SEOs it is still a great source for information and to stay up-to-date. I constantly check it, so should you!

Go to Google Search Central

Google Search Central on YouTube

If you prefer watching videos, I recommend learning with Google Search Central on YouTube. The videos are well made and easy to follow.

Go To Google Search Central on YouTube

The Master Tool: Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is an absolute must. It shows you real user data of your website and where you can improve your page.

Go to Google Search Console

Google Search Console Training

To learn how to use Google Search Console, I recommend this video series on YouTube. You'll become a Search Console expert in no time!

Go to Google Search Console Training

Tools to Analyse the SEO Performance of Your Page

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights shows data on the user experience of your page and provides suggestions on how you can improve your page.

Go to PageSpeed Insights


Lighthouse works similar to PageSpeed Insights and is very handy as a browser extension

Go to Lighthouse Chrome Extension


WebPageTest is a great addition to PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse and delivers more detailed information.

Go to WebPageTest

Good Reads on SEO

Understanding SEO

This is the book that helped me understand SEO. It is to the point and full of valuable information. To me a must-read!

Go To Order Understanding SEO

I guess that is it, let's not overcomplicate this!